The asana hygene care line that has been blooming since the winter has merged with the “Just . . .” line to offer Toner Sprays that cleanse, elevate, and chill.

Just . . . is about being simple… the earth provides all we need.

No fillers, artificial chems or dyes are used here…no junk. Its just about being smart and conscious by purchasing local to support a
community that values wellness.

We are currently working with sprays to tone the skin and offer antibacterial properties to the skin, workout / athletic equipment, linens, and room cleansing.  These 4 oz bottles are friendly in yoga bags, in the car, or on the go.
Just . . . Elevate” blends essential oils of Rosemary, Citronella, Lemongrass, & Peppermint to awaken and inspire your spirit to feel fresh and new. These oils are known for their uplifting effects while cleansing the mood and area sprayed.

Just . . . chill” blends essential oils of Lavender, Blood Orange and Clove to bring us balanced & rich tones that cool, calm and correct the vibes while warming the heart.

The potion boasts more antiseptic qualities with Witch Hazel’s natural properties of anti-oxidants that aid skin irritations such as acne & bacteria. Shake the bottle and see the moisturizing Unrefined Coconut Oil to combat aging and infection.
Just spray this on : Face, hands, underarms, yoga mat, hair, kids, linens, “clearing of a space” and so many more uses!
Just . . .
Spray. Breath. Elevate.